Having escaped the harshness of The Hole, Pyromys is searching for a real place to call home. He is happy to help others but it always seems to come with a price to benifit him in one way or another.
Just another shady Ratonga.
152 / 350 AAs
Level 53 Wizard
Level 1 Unskilled Health: 3,328
Out-of-Combat Regen: 133
Power: 3,683
Out-of-Combat Regen: 147
Run Speed: 15%
Status: 16,368
Strength: 62 Agility: 63 Intelligence: 303 Wisdom: 104 Stamina: 226
Elemental: 1,768 Noxious: 1,619 Arcane: 1,566
Mitigation (vs Physical): 1,303 Avoidance: 3,871
Uncontested Block: 0%
Block Chance: 0%
Crit Chance: 0% Crit Bonus: 2 Potency: 7 Fervor: 0% Resolve: 0 Ability Mod: 68 Hate Mod: 0% Reuse Speed: 13.6% Casting Speed: 18.6255% Recovery Speed: 0% Spell Reuse Speed: 0% Spell Doublecast: 0% Ability Doublecast: 0%
PvP Stats
Toughness: 0
Attack Speed (Haste): 11 AOE Auto Attack: 0% Accuracy: 5% Strikethrough: 0% Multi Attack: 0 DPS Modifier: 0 Flurry: 0% Weapon Damage Bonus: 0 S Weapon Damage Bonus: 0 Primary Damage: 37-212 Delay: 3.6 sec Secondary Ranged
Rare Harvest Chance: 0%
PvE Rankings
Kills: 1,781
Deaths: 11
Kills vs. Deaths: 161.9
Max Melee Hit: 216
Max Magic Hit: 1,567
This Character is Homeless.
Pyromys Losea
Birthdate: 2016-11-08
Played: 16h 29m 30s
Server: Skyfire
Gender: ![]() Race: Ratonga
Deity: None
Home City: New Halas
CtH: Frostfang Sea
Guild Level: 350
Current Zone: Guild Hall
Quests Completed: 18
Collections Completed: 0
Items Crafted: 0
Rare Harvests: 1
2016-12-09 20:50:38
Saved Beetny AA Specs
The Dragon's Armory