EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there!
Applies Hex of Shadows when Activated. Lasts for 1 minute 48 seconds.
• Applies Hex of Fright. Lasts for 1 minute 48 seconds.
• Decreases Haste of target by 15.9.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• Slows target by 31.5%.
• 5% chance to dispel when target takes damage
• 5% chance to dispel when target receives hostile action
• The casting time of Hex of Shadows is 1.0 second and the reuse time of the spell is 5 minutes
Adornment Slots:
Shadow Imbued Matoppie Root Hex Doll
132 Primary Attributes
132 Stamina
31 Combat Skills
7.9 Crit Bonus
4.8 AE Auto
42.9 Crit Chance
7.9 Potency
Infused Stats:
Hex of Shadows
Applies Hex of Shadows when Activated. Lasts for 1 minute 48 seconds.
• Applies Hex of Fright. Lasts for 1 minute 48 seconds.
• Decreases Haste of target by 15.9.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• Slows target by 31.5%.
• 5% chance to dispel when target takes damage
• 5% chance to dispel when target receives hostile action
• The casting time of Hex of Shadows is 1.0 second and the reuse time of the spell is 5 minutes
Adornment Slots:
pristine engraved leather quiver
Quiver that can be placed in your ammo slot that holds arrows to be used while using a ranged weapon. This is the only item that can be held in this container
Infused Stats:
Imbued Rhenium Vanguard Cuirass
152 Stamina
152 Primary Attributes
15.5 Crit Bonus
32.1 Casting Speed
Infused Stats:
Plate Armor (Chest)
Berserker, Guardian, Paladin, Shadowknight
Imbued Smite
Applies Imbued Smite when Equipped.
• When any damage is received this spell has a 10% chance to cast Imbued Smite on target's attacker. Lasts for 5.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Inflicts 413 divine damage on target instantly and every second.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Imbued Smite on target of attack. Lasts for 5.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Inflicts 413 divine damage on target instantly and every second.
• When any damage is received this spell has a 10% chance to cast Imbued Smite on target's attacker. Lasts for 5.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Inflicts 413 divine damage on target instantly and every second.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Imbued Smite on target of attack. Lasts for 5.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Inflicts 413 divine damage on target instantly and every second.
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Spirit Aegis on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. Triggers about 1.8 times per minute.
• Increases the base trigger chance of spells and items by 5%.
• 3% of all physical damage received by the caster is prevented.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
Adornment Slots:
White, Green, White
Nebulous Reality Anchor
This will grow in power as you defeat Ethernere creatures!
Adds the following to an item:
12 Primary Attributes
Green Adornment
Finger, Neck
Spirit Stone Stats:
+24 agi +21 sta
+1.6% Potency
Progress to Next Level:
Imbued Tungsten Karabela
138 Primary Attributes
138 Stamina
32 Combat Skills
8.2 Crit Bonus
44.8 Crit Chance
8.2 Potency
40.4 Haste
Infused Stats:
One-Handed Slashing
121 - 685
(134.35 Rating)
6.0 seconds
All Scouts, Berserker, Channeler, Fury, Guardian, Paladin, Shadowknight, Warden
Imbued Smite
Applies Imbued Smite when Equipped.
• When any damage is received this spell has a 10% chance to cast Imbued Smite on target's attacker. Lasts for 5.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Inflicts 413 divine damage on target instantly and every second.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Imbued Smite on target of attack. Lasts for 5.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Inflicts 413 divine damage on target instantly and every second.
Re-sleeved,i awoke to find myself on an island called the Outpost of the Overlord. After many bloody battles i have fled to Freeport,here i will quest for knowledge about this world they call Norrath.
Escaped island 17/7/09 Attained Sedition 11/07/2010
join me in my quest to leave life overturned,spanning the world wave of doom,, Unleash all my burning wrath potential killing machine, Take down all who block my path enjoying all thats obscene, Born of Fire!!