EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there!
While fighting in Starcrest Commune, a kerra heretic fled to Oakmyst Forest. Two of our warriors, Ajarn and Laharn Rahai, have led the chase along with a couple erudite mages after this lone kerra. However, no word has come from any of them since their departure. I have taken it upon myself to partake in the chase.
Shareable (Complete)
Scales with Level
I need to venture to Oakmyst Forest via one of the city's mariner bells and discover the fate of our allies and a kerra heretic they're chasing.
Make your way to Oakmyst Forest (in Oakmyst Forest)
Now that I'm in Oakmyst Forest, I need to find my kerra brothers and our erudite allies, or this runaway kerra heretic, or both.
Search Oakmyst Forest (in Oakmyst Forest)
Follow the trail (in Oakmyst Forest)
The trail leads up the path (in Oakmyst Forest)
As you bore witness to Laharn Rahai's death, your yet untapped inner ferocity has finally emerged. It's time to avenge the fallen!
Head into the cave (in Oakmyst Forest)
Survive the undead attack (in Oakmyst Forest)
Confront the heretic (in Oakmyst Forest)
The chase is over, but not without losses, particularly two of our great warriors. I should bear this news to Lakosha right away.
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.