I found an old copper signet ring on the hand of a frozen dwarf. The runes etched into the band indicate that the ring once belonged to someone named Garadain Glacierbane. I could search for the ring owner's descendants by speaking to the coldain in the City of Thurgadin.
I should look for the ring's original owner.
Find someone who knows Garadain Glacierbane. (in Thurgadin, City Of The Coldain)
I must recover the Tome of Coldain Kinship.
Find the Tome of Coldain Kinship.
I should return this book to Elder Historian Melna.
Return to Elder Historian Melna. (in Thurgadin, City Of The Coldain)
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.