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Crimson Blade of Kaladim
ACTIVE raid guild with commitment and discord required for raid spots.
Guild XP:
50 (18 accounts)

We have a hardcore play style.


We enjoy doing raids

We're very funny (in our opinion)

The inmates are running the asylum
We are seeking Scouts, Mages, Crafters of at least level 1.
We are recruiting for our raid force! Attendance and discord is required to hold a raid spot. We raid Fri/Sat 8pm EST. Alt raids and non dkp raids during the week. Seeking Mage/Scout DPS. Enchanters/bards. ALL Healers but particularly Warden/Cleric

This guild doesn't currently have
a guild heraldry design.

Once you've decided on a style, seek out a Guild Cloak Designer NPC in your home city.

Rank Name Adventure (Level) Tradeskill (Level) Joined Status
Dopethrone Brigand (50) Unskilled (1) 2019-06-13 19:14:54 4,860
Beldwar Shadowknight (60) Artisan (9) 2019-04-27 23:14:20 567,020
Belvino Guardian (60) Unskilled (1) 2019-04-30 19:44:34 494,097
Cbus Fury (60) Provisioner (50) 2019-04-28 20:47:17 25,923
Gnomercy Necromancer (71) Unskilled (1) 2019-05-01 18:53:56 24,665
Healbus Templar (85) Unskilled (1) 2019-04-28 13:14:51 450,373
Seebus Conjuror (60) Artisan (9) 2019-04-27 23:14:31 51,439
Swampbus Defiler (52) Artisan (9) 2019-04-27 23:13:35 28,065
Echo Warden (60) Artisan (9) 2019-04-27 23:47:03 2,428,230
Tazerfayce Coercer (62) Craftsman (10) 2019-05-30 16:49:11 168,698
Senpaibuggie Templar (50) Artisan (9) 2019-05-08 19:36:16 35,610
Vizak Conjuror (50) Alchemist (22) 2019-04-28 14:47:50 7,934
Boxkicker Berserker (63) Artisan (8) 2019-06-01 14:02:58 79,587
Boxporter Wizard (2) Unskilled (1) 2019-06-18 22:58:20 0
Brokenangel Warden (32) Unskilled (1) 2019-05-11 18:21:04 0
Brokendagger Swashbuckler (50) Woodworker (26) 2019-05-09 19:20:31 23,414
Brokenlama Monk (27) Unskilled (1) 2019-05-19 11:16:24 0
Brokenrage Shadowknight (60) Unskilled (1) 2019-05-25 23:33:40 11,713
Brokenshield Berserker (50) Armorer (50) 2019-05-09 19:22:39 3,000
Brokensight Illusionist (54) Unskilled (1) 2019-05-09 19:19:03 20,387