Welcome to EQ2U, a website from the makers of EQ2Wire!
In November 2011, Dethdlr and Feldon were put in touch with SOE's Platform and Game teams (including Dan Kinney and Nandor "Zoltaroth" Szots) about a new Data Feeds API that would allow websites besides EQ2Players to access data about EQ2 characters, guilds, and items.
In the subsequent months, we tested and provided feedback which has led to numerous improvements and tweaks to the API data. The quality of the API has grown by leaps and bounds since we and other fansites like Roster Master and EQ2Mission have become involved. We have been very impressed by the level of care and consideration our feedback has received from SOE. The amount of information available is already staggering, and there are plans to add more as time goes on.
Originally intended as a companion to a revamped EQ2Players site, our new EQ2U site now provides what we feel is the most frequently-used functionality that players and guild leaders want, as well as a growing number of useful features to allow players to get the most out of their EQ2 playing experience.
If you have any questions, comments, bug reports, or feedback about EQ2U, please take a moment to shoot us a message using the EQ2U Contact Us form. If you had a problem on a specific page, PLEASE include the link to that page or the steps to reproduce the problem you had and we will take a look at it!
Frequently Asked Questions about EQ2U
Q: I don't want my Character(s) listed on EQ2U. How do I opt out?
A: Log into the EverQuest II game client with the character you wish to hide and press the C key (or P if you still have the original key binding) to access your Character/Persona screen. Click the "EQ2 Share" tab on the left side and uncheck "Enable EQ2Players Updates". This will opt your character out of all API-driven EQ2 websites.
YOU MUST ZONE or CAMP your character after making this change to remove it from the EQ2 Data Feeds API. It may take up to 5 minutes for this change to be reflected on EQ2U. If you have any privacy concerns, please Contact Us.
Q: My character is missing from EQ2U, or I can find it, but get an error trying to display the character. Help?
A: If you have followed the steps above and ticked the Enable EQ2Players Updates checkbox in-game and your character still won't load on EQ2U, then this is typically caused by a custom UI such as DarqUI, DrumsUI, Fetish, or ProfitUI. We love custom UIs, but for some reason, when they're enabled, the Enable EQ2Players Updates button doesn't always work right. I would suggest unticking and reticking the box and then /camp and see if your character pops on EQ2U. If that doesn't work, temporarily disable your custom UI, untick and retick the box, and then re-enable your custom UI and the change should stick!
If this does not work, try typing "/socialmedia census enable 1" in-game. This will not provide any text feedback in the console, but this is a manual override for enabling the checkbox. If that doesn't work, then your character record may be corrupted and you need to contact customer service.
Q: How do I show or hide my Alts from EQ2U and other API-driven websites?
A: The ability to Opt-in your Alts was added on Tuesday, February 14th, 2012.
- If you WANT other people to be able to find some or all of your Alts, then check the Link to Alt Characters checkbox in the EQII Share panel on EACH character that you want to be discoverable.
- If you DO NOT WANT other people to be able to find your Alts, then relax and do nothing. By default, Link to Alt Characters is disabled for all characters.
If you would like a specific example of how these Privacy settings work, let's look at 3 different characters on the same account:
Let's say I enable Link to Alt Characters for Feldon but don't enable this for Feldyren. I will leave Felodic completely Opted-out. If I look up Feldon, I will see Feldyren listed as an alt. If I look up Feldyren, I will not see Feldon listed as an alt. And neither search will reveal that I also have Felodic on my account.
Q: How do I use a Forum Signature from EQ2U to show my character stats on another website/forum?
A: Lookup your character on EQ2U. On the Character Details page, scroll down and you'll see a Get Your EQ2U Signature button. Click that and a popup will open with detailed instructions on how to get your EQ2U signature in different styles and languages.
Q: Why does my Character show Status, AAs, or other information? I don't want this information available!
A: If you feel uncomfortable with any of the information on your character(s) being visible, your current option is to completely opt out that character by unchecking "Share EQ2Players Updates" under the "EQ2 Share" setting within EQ2.
Q: How often is my character information updated?
A: Your character information is updated in SOE's Data Feeds API each time you zone, log in, or log out your character. EQ2U's information is updated on your character each time you refresh the Character page, provided the last update was at least 5 minutes ago.
If you change out your equipment and want to refresh the display on EQ2U, you'll need to wait 5 minutes and then zone/camp to update the record. Then you can refresh the EQ2U page.
Q: Where does the 'paperdoll' image on the Biography tab come from? Can I replace it?
A: This image is automatically updated every time you log out. You can also force an update by typing Shift-PrintScreen.
Tip: It is possible to 'pose' your character while camping out by selecting an object to look at, and or pressing the tilde (~) key to enter combat and brandish your weapons.
Q: Where does the 'headshot' image at the bottom of the Stats column come from? Can I replace it?
A: This image is created on first login of any character that doesn't have one, and then is updated approximately once every hour. As far as I know, there's no way to trigger an update.
Q: Why can't I view a "retired" or old character?
A: The Data Feeds API only contains characters who have logged in since the current incarnation of the service launched, which was in early to mid-November, 2011. Characters who have not logged in since then cannot be found on EQ2U.
Q: My Guild lists members who quit the game years ago, or as a guild leader, I removed some characters, but they still show in my roster. Can I update this?
A: Unfortunately, guild membership is only updated the next time that character is updated (usually by logging in or out)..
Q: Some characters have more information (Status, Run Speed, and other stats) than others. Why?
A: The Data Feeds API has improved based on feedback from our site and other sites, and thus the amount of information returned from each character has grown over time. Characters which have not logged in recently may have an older character record that is missing some of this information. Once that character is updated (by camping or zoning), the full stats and information will become available here at EQ2U.
Q: What information is not available from the Data Feeds API (and thus not visible on EQ2U)?
A: The following information is not yet available to us:
- Your character's progress on Collections
- Official Loot Table data
- A list of enemies which grant AA (starred NPCs) that your character has killed
Q: Why do the Faction bars on my character look different than they do in game? At -50,000 faction, I get a little sliver of red on the left, and the bar doesn't fill up every 10,000 points. Is this a bug?
A: Dethdlr and I have always felt the in-game display of Factions to be rather confusing. The color and size of each Faction bar is somewhat meaningless, since the bar goes from empty to full 10 times from -50,000 to +50,000. The in-game Faction display is particularly troublesome for those folks out there who may be colorblind.
We have made a design decision to instead display a single progress bar from 0% (-50,000) to 100% (+50,000) using the accurate colors from the game. To avoid an "empty" bar, we are using a small sliver of red at -50,000 and a full blue bar at +50,000. At one point, we considered a different display scheme which would show -50,000 to 0 as being on the left side of a dividing line, and 0 to +50,000 as being on the right side, but felt it would be visually unattractive.
Special Thanks
Thanks to Advent of Valor, Ynnek, Caela, Timmer, Ellebeth, Sylora, Dellmon, Aliscious, Flourchild, Ruatta, Whilhelmina, and Llogwey for testing.
Thanks to Kupala and Thorien for your patience!
And thanks to Dan Kinney, Adam Smith, Scott Maxwell, and Nandor "Zoltaroth" Szots for burying us in the mountain of data that made this site possible.