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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
a drakota tongue

NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.

A Memory of Sky
a drake guardian
Aether Wroughtlands: Tarnished Oasis [Heroic I]
a skytalon drakota
Aether Wroughtlands: Tarnished Oasis [Solo]
a skytalon drakota
Ar'ticae's Lair
Ar'ticae, the Frost Maiden
Ascent of the Awakened
Ancient of the Flapping Wing
Buried Takish'Hiz: Emergence from Stone [Raid]
an emerald marble drake
Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Heroic III]
a stonefallen drakota
Shiroth Avinox
Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Heroic II]
a stonefallen drakota
Shiroth Avinox
Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Heroic I]
a stonefallen drakota
Shiroth Avinox
Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Signature]
a stonefallen drakota
Shiroth Avinox
Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Solo]
a stonefallen drakota
Butcherblock Mountains
a mature emerald drake
an emerald drake
Covenant District
a Grimscale aggressor
a Grimscale contriver
a Grimscale decimator
a Grimscale ravager
a soulbound summoning
Covenant District [Challenge]
a Grimscale contriver
a Vilewing aggressor
a Vilewing contriver
a Vilewing decimator
a Vilewing ravager
Covenant District [Solo]
a Grimscale aggressor
a Grimscale contriver
a Grimscale decimator
Darklight Wood
a Nerian drake
a Nerian minion
a desecrated drake
Doomfire: Ro's Sweatshop [Heroic]
a blazewing devourer
Doomfire: Ro's Sweatshop [Solo]
a blazewing devourer
a blazewing scavenger
Dracur Prime
a Deathwing afflicter
a Deathwing infiltrator
Dracur Prime [Advanced Solo]
a Deathwing afflicter
a Deathwing agrimensor
a Deathwing firebrand
a Deathwing infiltrator
a Deathwing provoker
a Grimscale represser
Dracur Prime [Challenge]
a Deathwing afflicter
a Deathwing provoker
Dracur Prime: Sevalak Awakened
a Deathwing firebrand
a Deathwing infiltrator
Dracur Prime: Vyskudra the Ancient
a Vilewing ravager
Dragon Necropolis: Tombs of Enlightenment [Heroic II]
Vaynon the Underdrake
Dragon Necropolis: Vaults of Veneration [Heroic I]
a darkscale emaciator
Dragon Necropolis: Vaults of Veneration [Solo]
a darkscale emaciator
Eastern Wastes
a drakonine guardian
Icy Keep: Retribution
an ice drake
a hatchling volcanu
a volcanu broodmother
a vulcanu executioner
a vulcanu gaper
a vulcanu slayer
Lyceum of the Recondite
a Grimscale thrasher
a Grimwing infiltrator
a Grimwing subverter
a Grimwing thrasher
Maiden's Gulch: Rescue of the Sage
a Drakota inquisitor
Vyr'drais the Vicious
Najena's Hollow Tower
a magma hatchling
Sanctum of the Scaleborn
a furywing drakota
a furywing protector
Sandstone Delta
a crimson raptor
Shard of Fear
Skyshrine: Betrayal in the Underdepths
a flamed Vilewing decimator
a nether-wing
a sonic Vilewing decimator
an ethereal Vilewing decimator
Skyshrine: The City of Dracur
a Deathwing evictor
a Deathwing impairer
a Deathwing obtruder
a Deathwing revoker
a Deathwing subduer
a Grimwing expunger
a Vilewing arrogator
a Vilewing devourer
a Vilewing preemptor
Kodrak the Insane
Malicor Kehrn
Nefari Kwol
Zhaunil the Firebrand
Skyshrine: The Underdepths
a nether-wing
Malteor Flamecaller
Sleeper's Tomb [Contested]
a Drakonine heretic
a Drakonine sentry
a Drakonine upholder
a Drakonine watcher
Sleeper's Tomb: The Awakening
a drakeen defender
a drakeen guardian
a drakeen protector
a Vilewing decimator
a Vilewing ravager
Sleeper's Tomb: The Forgotten Catacombs [Advanced Solo]
a Grimscale aggressor
Sleeper's Tomb: The Forgotten Catacombs [Heroic]
a Grimscale aggressor
Sleeper's Tomb: Unearthed [Raid]
a Drakonine devotee
a Drakonine sentry
a Drakonine watcher
a primal watcher
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Expert]
an emberscale hunter
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Heroic]
an emberscale hunter
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]
an emberscale hunter
Steamfont Mountains
an ebon drake
Tenebrous Tangle
a hewn stone drake
a squalburst drake
an azure drake
The Barren Sky
a starving warscale drake
a warscale decimator
a warscale neonate
a Warscale ravager
The Bonemire
an untamed drake
The Commonlands
The Fabled Halls of Fate
a Doomwing dragonspawn
a Doomwing whelp
a dragonspawn whelp
The Fabled Laboratory of Lord Vyemm
a Doomwing firedrake
The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Heroic]
Molinap the Destructor
The Fabled Sanctum of the Scaleborn
Hand of the Exarch
The Firemyst Gully: Vanudozalon's Lair
Vanudozalon the Elusive
The Halls of Fate
a Doomwing dragonspawn
a Doomwing whelp
a dragonspawn whelp
The Isle of Refuge: Darathar's Flight
a drakota broodling
a protective broodling
The Laboratory of Lord Vyemm
a Doomwing firedrake
a dragonspawn whelp
The Temple of Scale
a temple guardian
devotee of the Awakened
protector of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
devotee of the Awakened
The Temple of Scale: Vision of the Priestess
devotee of the Awakened
the Underdepths
a nether-wing in Skyshrine: Betrayal
a shadowed Vilewing decimator in Skyshrine: Betrayal
a sonic Vilewing decimator in Skyshrine: Betrayal
an ethereal Vilewing decimator in Skyshrine: Betrayal
Vaashkaani: Golden Rule [Heroic II]
a skytalon drakota
Vaashkaani: Golden Rule [Heroic I]
a skytalon drakota
Vaashkaani: Golden Rule [Solo]
a skytalon drakota
Veeshan's Peak
a firedrake sentry
Vesspyr Isles
an Awakened zealot
Western Wastes
a briargrim ravager
a gorewing terror
Western Wastes: Charnel Scar [Solo]
Ilhona the Relentless
Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Heroic I]
Western Wastes: The Warming Warfields [Solo]
Wurmbone's End: Nox Incessit [x2 Raid Challenge]
a reckoning avenger
Wurmbone's End: Nox Incessit [x2 Raid]
a reckoning avenger

This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the Dragon’s Armory "Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin developed by Dedith.   
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