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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
the rune of duak
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Lockjaw's Lair
animated master
The Fountain of Life
Lladan Promanari
The Living Tombs
a Faro' Nuk adjutant
a Faro' Nuk conscript
a Faro' Nuk hyas
a Faro' Nuk veteran
a protector of Tirik
a Rin' Dal alchemist
a Rin' Dal citizen
a Rin' Dal sage
a sentinel of Anu'ish
a Sul' Dal herbalist
a Sul' Dal merchant
a Sul' Dal scribe
a Sulite curate
a Sulite luna
a Sulite prelate
a Sulite tjat
a vassal of offering
an Anuk' Sul decar
an Anuk' Sul maven
an Ara' Dal herald
an Ara' Dal metallurgist
an Ara' Dal peasant
an offering retriever
The Palace of Sabaron
Sul'Dal Warden
The Poets Palace
a prized possession
The Sanctorium
an Orillian adherent
an Orillian corpse
an Orillian courier
an Orillian prelate
an Orillian recluse
The Silent City
a Faro' Nuk hyas
a Faro' Nuk legionnaire
a Faro' Nuk mercenary
a Faro' Nuk tower guard
a Faro' Nuk vindicator
a Sulite arbiter
a Sulite devotee
a Sulite pundit
an Anuk' Sul medium
an Anuk' Sul visionary
The Sinking Sands
a crypt mummy
a decaying soldier
a Faro' Nuk hyas
a Faro' Nuk soldier
a festering adept
a lesser mummy
a mummy
a shriveled mummy
a Sul' Dal axefury
a Sulite bishop
an Anuk' Sul advocate
an Anuk' Sul chancellor
an embalmed apostle
Oracle Ostet
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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